The films here are all "low budget" ones I have made over the years to help illustrate my teaching. You may find them useful. I do! My thanks go to the teachers who have been prepared to share their good practice, and the children who so enjoy their singing.
The Voices Foundation in Action I have always supported and endorsed the methods of the Voices Foundation, which are loosely based on Kodaly principles. Many good things follow from a Kodaly foundation.
Starting a KS3 Choir. This is Kate Courage in action some time ago now at Bristol Cathedral School. It's what you do next after I've been in to talk to Y8 about voice change!
Boys Learn by Imitation Angela Renshaw working with the Cornwall Boys Choir illustrates perfectly the point made on p12 of Contemporary Choral Work with Boys. There is much to learn from watching Angela.
Just Get On With It! Well I wish people would. Don Gillthorpe in Lancaster has no trouble with "boys don't sing" because he has high expectations and just gets on with it!
Singing in the Lower Secondary School pp156-158.
Contemporary Choral Work with Boys Interlude 2. Fifteen-year-old William Fielding recalls his days at Blackburn Cathedral and reflects on all the changes his voice went through. How rapidly we move on!
Contemporary Choral Work with Boys Interlude 1. Sixteen-year-old Max Matthew recalls his varied career as a treble with the National Boys Choir of Scotland, the RSCM Northern Cathedral Singers amongst others. He cannot believe the treble voice he hears was his! pp41-44
It's Your Body, so It's Your Voice. Our BKS presenter does a Dr Who regeneration to revisit Liverpool Met Cathedral and Lancaster Priory to explore Vocal Agency - a boy's sovereignty over his own voice. (Featuring Harry Plummer)
Contemporary Choral Work with Boys pp130- 136